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By Victor Garcia | Fox News

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has “lost control” after she announced an impeachment inquiry Tuesday, defending President Trump against allegations he acted inappropriately in a phone call with Ukraine’s president.

“The fact that Nancy Pelosi would argue for impeachment before she read the transcrip t… tells me that she has lost control,” Graham said Wednesday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum.

The White House on Wednesday released a transcript of Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky showing he sought a review of Biden family dealings in the country — but the document does not show Trump explicitly leveraging military aid as part of a quid pro quo, as Democrats have suggested in pressing forward with an impeachment probe.


Graham defended the content of the call, saying there’s “no ‘there’ there.”

“Read this transcript. No rational person would conclude that the president noted states were threatening to cut off aid to Ukraine unless they did something against Joe Biden and his son.”

The senator also called for allegations against the Bidens to be investigated.

MacCallum pressed Graham on whether Graham’s Senate committee should take up such an investigation, leading the lawmaker to call Biden a “friend” and say he’s unwilling to turn the Senate into a “zoo” like the House.

“I like Joe Biden. He’s a good … friend of mine. I really honestly do like him. But somebody has to look at this conflict,” Graham said. “And I would like somebody outside of politics.”

Graham added, “I’m not accusing anybody of wrongdoing. I’m accusing the system of losing its way here; somebody needs to look at these allegations.”

Fox News’ Alex Pappas contributed to this report.

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