Posted inNational News

FBI Coordination With Big Tech Censorship Ahead of 2020 Election Revealed in Agent Deposition, Missouri AG Says

By Petr Svab Officials from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security frequently met with major social media companies ahead of the 2020 election and pointed out users and pieces of content for removal, according to information from a deposition of a senior FBI agent revealed by a state Attorney General. “We found that […]

Posted inBusiness

Fraud, Romance, and Regulatory Neglect: The FTX Scandal Deepens

By Liam Cosgrove U.S. politicians are calling for stricter regulations on the cryptocurrency industry as a result of the FTX bankruptcy and potential fraud. “It shows the weaknesses of this entire sector,” Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen told Bloomberg on Nov. 12, emphasizing the need for “very careful regulation.” “The notion you could use the deposits of customers of […]

Posted inNational News

5 House Seats Republicans Flipped From Democrat Control

By Joseph Lord Republicans in several key House races have flipped seats formerly held by Democrats. The most optimistic expectations of Republicans seem to have been disappointed. Still, the party has many victories to point to after the eventful night, including unseating several incumbent lawmakers. Here are five seats Republicans flipped. Virginia’s 2nd District Republican Jen […]

Posted inNational News

Man Charged After Confronting GOP Senate Candidate Before New Hampshire Debate

By Lorenz Duchamps Authorities in New Hampshire have charged a man for approaching Republican Senate candidate Donald C. Bolduc moments before his Nov. 2 debate against incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), police say. Joseph Hart, 37, of Greenville, Rhode Island, was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct following a “disturbance” outside the New Hampshire Institute […]

Posted inNational News

A Key Date in the Efforts Against an Incoming President

By Jeff Carlson News Analysis Jan. 12, 2017, has proven to be an incredibly important date in American politics. It was on this date that Igor Dancehnko’s soon-to-be FBI handler, Kevin Helson, sent an email regarding Danchenko with the heading: “Plan to convert into confidential human source.” Danchenko, of course, was the primary source for former British spy Christopher […]

Posted inNational News

Arizona GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Thanks Liz Cheney for ‘Biggest Fundraiser Yet’

By Lorenz Duchamps Arizona Republican governor frontrunner Kari Lake responded on Friday to Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) “anti-endorsement” efforts, saying a television ad she sponsored and recently broadcasted caused a surge in campaign donations. “Thank you for your generous in-kind contribution to my campaign,” Lake wrote mockingly in a letter to Cheney that was shared on Twitter. “Your recent television ad […]

Posted inNational News

New Email Reveals Answer to Establishment’s Efforts to Oust Trump

By Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke News Analysis An FBI email previously not known to the public has revealed that the bureau planned to make Igor Danchenko—the primary source for British former spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier—a Confidential Human Source (CHS) before it had even interviewed him.  The revelation, which came out as a result of special […]

Posted inNational News

Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, Top Officials Be Deposed in Big Tech Censorship Case

By Caden Pearson A federal court on Friday ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top officials to testify under oath at depositions in a case that’s uncovered evidence of alleged federal government collusion with big tech companies to censor users. The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri and other plaintiffs allege that Fauci, director of NIAID and […]

Posted inHealthcare

People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist

By Jennifer Margulis At a conference for medical professionals in Sedona, Arizona this past weekend, several speakers–all physicians–commented on a disturbing trend: an increase in otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep. Sudden unexplained age-inappropriate deaths seem to be happening more than usual, both in the United States, where these medical doctors practice, and in […]

Posted inNational News

FBI Sued for Withholding Records of Facebook Censorship of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

By Bill Pan Amid mounting questions over an FBI warning that prompted Facebook to suppress a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the federal agency now faces a lawsuit seeking to compel it to publicize conversations it had with the social media giant. The lawsuit was filed Tuesday by America First Legal (AFL) at a Washington D.C. District Court. […]