Posted inNational News

Hunter Biden linked to 2016 identity theft involving deceased brother

By Stephanie Pagones FOXBusiness Newly submitted court documents link Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, to an identity theft case from 2016 when he was allegedly being checked into an unidentified Arizona facility. The court papers were filed Monday in an Arkansas court as part of a paternity battle over a child the Hunter Biden shares with Lunden Roberts, who met the scandal-plagued […]

Posted inOpinion

David Ditch: Uncle Sam is picking your pocket with high taxes – Democrats want to raise them even higher

By David Ditch | Fox News Some politicians running for federal office make it sound as if the biggest problem facing our country is that we don’t send enough of our paychecks to Washington, D.C. They propose increasing or creating new federal taxes on income, payrolls, business profits, carbon emissions, financial transactions, wealth, and more. Before they start trying to spend […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Campaign Poll: Impeachment Hurting 30 Vulnerable Democrats’ Reelection Chances

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign released polling numbers that suggest impeachment may imperil nearly three-dozen Democrats who hold seats in districts Trump carried in 2016. “The issue of impeachment is seriously endangering all 30 Democrats” in those districts, the campaign said. New Jersey’s 2nd District, a seat currently held by Rep. Jeff […]

Posted inOpinion

Hartley and Makridis: Trump’s USMCA will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and boost growth

By Jon Hartley | Fox News The Trump administration and congressional Democrats have struck a deal to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. While partisanship abounds in congressional impeachment hearings and with the impeachment vote likely to occur one day before the USMCA vote, Congress should give the American people the Christmas present they deserve: a ratified USMCA that will […]

Posted inOpinion

Rep. Andy Biggs: Democrats continue baseless rush to impeach Trump despite no evidence of wrongdoing

By Rep. Andy Biggs | Fox News The House Judiciary Committee, on which I serve, met Wednesday night to continue work on the baseless articles of impeachment that partisan Democrats are considering against President Trump – despite the obvious absence of any grounds for seeking his removal from office. No one should be surprised that the Democrats announced two articles of […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Reaches Milestone as 50th Federal Appeals Judge Confirmed

By Matthew Vadum WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump hit an important milestone Dec. 11, as the U.S. Senate confirmed his 50th judicial nominee to the nation’s federal courts of appeal, an event that will resonate for years to come, as the judicial branch and American jurisprudence become more ideologically conservative. “FIFTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES!” Carrie Severino, chief […]

Posted inNational News

Mike Braun: ‘Good Chance’ Three Senate Democrats Could Clear Trump in Impeachment Trial

By Sean Moran Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) told Breitbart News during a press conference Tuesday as many as three Democrat senators could vote to clear President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing during a potential Senate impeachment trial. Many establishment media outlets have speculated over whether some Senate Republicans could flip and vote to convict President Donald Trump during a Senate […]