Posted inNational News

Kamala Harris’ Wikipedia page scrubbed of information amid veepstakes, igniting online fight

By Tyler Olson | Fox News One person has made hundreds of edits in just a few months. An online battle has erupted over the Wikipedia page for Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., with a significant uptick in edits that reflects a pattern that’s been seen ahead of past vice-presidential announcements and led Wikipedia to put the page under “discretionary sanctions.” The trend was first […]

Posted inOpinion

Deroy Murdock: As crime soars, Democrats pick $1 billion from NYPD’s pockets

By Deroy Murdock | Fox News Great news for criminals, disastrous news for law-abiding New Yorkers. The far-left Democrats who are busy running New York City into the ground just surrendered America’s largest metropolis to the mob. Mayor Bill de Blasio and the radical City Council on Wednesday slashed the New York Police Department’s $6 billion budget by $1 […]

Posted inNational News

What to know about Independence Day celebrations at Mount Rushmore, in Washington, DC

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News President Trump will head to South Dakota Friday for an Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore. President Trump will head to South Dakota Friday for an Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore, the first president to do so since George H.W. Bush in 1991. Then on Saturday, he’ll head back to Washington, […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Homeland Security to protect monuments over Fourth of July weekend

By Julia Musto | Fox News Officers specially trained in crowd control will be sent to Seattle, Portland and Washington, DC. A special federal unit will be deployed across the country for the July 4 weekend in order to protect federal monuments and statues from a possible fresh wave of “domestic extremist” vandalism, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf announced Wednesday. In an interview […]

Posted inNational News

Kellyanne Conway says US should prioritize schools over bars in coronavirus plans

By Tyler Olson | Fox News ‘We need to have priorities in our states’ Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday, seemed to back states that are rolling back their coronavirus reopenings as cases surge –­ in some places threatening hospital capacity –­ and supported general safety measures, like masks, advocated by public health experts. The comments from Conway, one of President […]

Posted inNational News

Nunes: Twitter, Google, Facebook are ‘tech tyrants’ that censor conservatives

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., railed against Twitter, Google and Facebook tech giants, claiming they improperly wield power over the content Internet users view by censoring conservative-leaning content. Nunes currently suffered a loss in a defamation lawsuit he filed against Twitter, parody accounts known as “Devin Nunes’ Mom” and “Devin Nunes’ Cow,” and a Republican […]

Posted inNational News

Trump fields audience questions on mail-in voting, riots, says Democrats ‘destroying our country’

By Brie Stimson | Fox News President Trump’s Fox News town hall with Sean Hannity on Thursday night presented a rare opportunity for the nation’s commander-in-chief to answer questions coming directly from everyday Americans. Town hall audience members in Green Bay, Wis., didn’t hold back, asking the president about numerous topics, including mail-in voting, the recent rioting in America’s cities — […]

Posted inEconomy

Bankruptcy is extra burden for some job seekers

By The Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON — Hundreds of thousands of Americans who have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic could be confronting an added barrier as they seek to rejoin the workforce: a bankruptcy on their record. Federal law allows private employers to turn down a job applicant because of a past bankruptcy filing, which employers can […]

Posted inSupreme Court

DACA, LGBTQ decisions leave some conservatives with Supreme Court buyers’ remorse

By Chad Pergram | Fox News Now we see why there are pitched battles over Supreme Court nominees. The Supreme Court decision in the LBGTQ case and the DACA ruling last week underscored why the nominations of justices and the political fights in the Senate over their confirmations are so monumental. Supreme Court appointments are for a lifetime. Only 114 persons have […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Supreme Court Abuses Power

By Judicial Watch – Weekly Update Supreme Court Protects Obama Illegal Amnesty Chief Justice Roberts and four liberal Supreme Court Justices ruled against the Trump administration’s effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program. In doing so it has undermined the Constitution. Obama’s decision to provide amnesty for hundreds of thousands […]