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Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date

By Petr Svab More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database. Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, […]

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Trump Campaign Hopeful Lawsuit in Pennsylvania Will Trigger Recount

By Charlotte Cuthbertson WASHINGTON—It’s increasingly likely that the courts will decide the fate of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, and with that, nudge the eventual presidential winner across the finish line. On Nov. 9, the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and seven county boards of election—Allegheny, Centre, Chester, Delaware, […]

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Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Criticizes State GOP Demand for Immediate Election Audit

By Zachary Stieber Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Tuesday said allegations of voter fraud have been debunked after state lawmakers called for an immediate election audit. “Pennsylvania had a free, fair, and secure election. Millions of Pennsylvanians followed the rules allowed by the SCOTUS and each voter, regardless of political party, must have their voice […]

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Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Over ‘Two-Tiered’ Election System in Pennsylvania

By Simon Veazey The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit alleging the Pennsylvania election process violated the Constitution by creating different standards of verification and transparency for mail-in and in-person voters. In a statement on Nov. 9, the Trump campaign said that the “two-tiered” system violated the Equal Protection Clause and the Elections and Electors Clauses of the Constitution. “Voters in Pennsylvania were […]

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Missouri, Kentucky AGs Join Lawsuit Challenging Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Deadline Extension

By Tom Ozimek Attorneys general in Missouri and Kentucky have joined a Republican lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania mail-in ballots before the U.S. Supreme Court, according to multiple reports. A spokesperson for Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt was cited by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as saying that Schmitt intends to add his name to an amicus brief—a legal document that can be filed by a […]

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Biden–Trump Margin in Pennsylvania Close to Automatic Recount: Sen. Toomey

By Zachary Stieber The vote margin between Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania is close to the threshold that would trigger an automatic recount, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) noted on Nov. 8. “You know, 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump and they and the president deserve to have this process play out. […]

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Graham Calls on DOJ to Probe Alleged Pennsylvania Mail Ballot Backdating Scheme

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Saturday that he will be calling on the Department of Justice and the postmaster general to investigate a U.S. Postal Service whistleblower’s claim about an alleged plot to backdate mail ballots in Pennsylvania. Graham received a sworn affidavit (pdf) signed under the penalty of perjury from Richard […]

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Pennsylvania Democrats Go To Court To BLOCK Court Order Allowing Republicans From Observing Counting of Ballots

By Pamela Geller Pennsylvania Democrats going to court to block court order that supports allowing GOP/Trump supporters from watching the counting of ballots. It’s a good thing the left is so blatantly stealing the election. They’re red pilling 3/4 of the country Plus, ironically, it’s the most honest thing the left has done in 4 […]

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Pennsylvania county under scrutiny as judge weighs in on claims ballots were canvassed early, changed: report

By Brittany De Lea | Fox News The modified ballots are to be sequestered pending further guidance. One county in the key swing state of Pennsylvania has already found itself involved in a legal challenge, following claims that it violated the state’s election code by pre-canvassing mail-in ballots prior to Election Day. A federal judge ruled that Montgomery County Board of Election officials […]

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Pennsylvania bakery’s election-themed ‘cookie poll’ is now showing clear front-runner

By Michael Bartiromo | Fox News Lochel’s Bakery will debut a ‘celebratory’ cookie in honor of the winner. The official tally isn’t in just yet, but one candidate can safely claim victory in a Pennsylvania bakery’s cookie poll. Lochel’s, a family-owned bakery located in the town of Hatboro, tells Fox News that the shop’s Trump-themed cookies are “vastly” […]

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Pennsylvania, Nevada AGs welcome Trump threats to send in lawyers on Election Day

By Louis Casiano FOXBusiness Although Trump has said the winner should be decided Tuesday night, in many states it will take longer to count all the mail-in ballots. Attorney’s general in Nevada and Pennsylvania welcomed threats from President Trump Sunday that his lawyers will possibly file election night lawsuits to limit how many mail-in ballots can be counted. Nevada State Attorney […]

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Trump tells Pennsylvania crowd he just signed executive order to protect fracking

By Morgan Phillips, Adam Shaw | Fox News Trump will warn of ‘corrupt forces’ seeking to elect Biden. President Trump capitalized on his opponent’s wish to “transition” away from the oil industry in Reading, Pa., telling supporters Democratic nominee Joe Biden would “abolish” fracking.  He said the former vice president had flip-flopped on fracking, a major industry in […]