Posted inNational News

Biden defends ‘politics of the past,’ as Sanders hit over ‘socialist’ label, Buttigieg’s experience questioned

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Following a vote-counting fiasco at the Iowa caucuses, the Democratic presidential contenders took the stage Friday night in New Hampshire looking to snatch momentum ahead of next week’s primary in that state. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg took incoming fire on electability issues from former Vice President Joe Biden […]

Posted inNational News

Appeals court hands Trump win, rules Dem lawmakers cannot sue over business payments

By Bill Mears, Brooke Singman | Fox News A federal appeals court on Friday unanimously ruled that more than 200 Democratic congressional lawmakers do not have standing to sue President Trump over allegations he violated the Emoluments Clause over foreign payments to his businesses. “Because we conclude that the Members lack standing, we reverse the district […]

Posted inNew Hampshire

The New Hampshire Primary

By USNN Americans will elect the next president of the United States on November 3, 2020. Fifteen notable elected officials and public figures—11 Democrats and four Republicans—are running for president: Democrats Michael Bennet (D) Joe Biden (D) Michael Bloomberg (D) Pete Buttigieg (D) Tulsi Gabbard (D) Amy Klobuchar (D) Deval Patrick (D) Bernie Sanders (I)[1] Tom Steyer (D) Elizabeth Warren (D) Andrew Yang (D) Republicans Roque […]

Posted inNational News

Trump takes on ‘radical left’ in defiant and dramatic State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up speech

By Gregg Re | Fox News President Trump went on the offensive against socialism and left-wing policies during his third State of the Union address to Congress Tuesday night, — prompting goans from Democrats in attendance, and prompting a furious House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to rip up her copy of Trump’s speech as soon as it concluded. […]

Posted inNational News

Iowa Dem party blames caucus fiasco on ‘coding issue,’ vows to release results ‘as soon as possible’

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News DES MOINES, Iowa – The morning after a technical meltdown delayed the reporting of the Iowa caucus results – causing chaos in the political world — the Iowa Democratic Party blamed the debacle on a “coding issue” in its reporting app and pledged to release the caucus results “as soon as possible.” The party […]

Posted inNational News

Groundhog Day 2020: Here’s what Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction is for the rest of winter

By Travis Fedschun | Fox News As light snow fell early Sunday in western Pennsylvania, the Keystone State’s most famous groundhog revealed that warmer days are apparently ahead. At sunrise on Groundhog Day, members of Punxsutawney Phil’s top hat-wearing inner circle revealed the groundhog declared: “Spring will be early, it’s a certainty.” “It’s not very […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Justice Gorsuch: Nationwide Injunctions Raise ‘Serious Questions’ Over Scope of Courts’ Powers

By Janita Kan Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has issued a sharp critique of the growing practice of federal judges ruling beyond the scope of a particular case, in some court orders known as nationwide injunctions. On Monday, the top court voted 5-4 to lift a pair of nationwide injunctions that blocked the Trump administration […]

Posted inCongress

Mark Levin tweets ask waffling GOP senators why ‘disgruntled’ John Bolton should testify

By Charles Creitz | Fox News “Life, Liberty & Levin” host Mark Levin demanded answers from three Republican senators Tuesday after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told members of his caucus that he doesn’t yet have enough votes to block the calling of witnesses — like ex-National Security Adviser John Bolton — in President Trump’s impeachment trial. Levin, a syndicated […]

Posted inNational News

Trump, at packed New Jersey rally, hits congressional Dems amid impeachment fight

By Gregg Re | Fox News President Trump headlined a jam-packed rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Tuesday night, hours after his attorneys wrapped up their opening arguments in his Senate impeachment trial — and minutes after sources told Fox News that Republicans don’t have the votes yet to block additional witnesses who could extend the proceedings. An elevated level of enthusiasm […]

Posted inWorld

Obama Led Cover-Up of Democratic Involvement In Burisma- Major US Banks and Prominent Democrats Implicated

By Dave Hodges and Alexandra Daley The trail to unravel the Ukrainian criminality involving so many officials within our government is extremely complicated. To keep the presentation simple, it is important to segment and compartmentalize the information. For every piece of evidence I am offering below, there is at least a thousand times more of the […]

Posted inNational News

Instagram survey shows every state’s least favorite state, while NJ ‘hates everyone’

By Robert Gearty | Fox News Perhaps surprisingly, Florida’s least favorite state happens to be Florida, and perhaps not surprisingly New Jersey’s least favorite state is every other state. Those were the findings of Matt Shirley of Los Angeles, who polled his Instagram followers as part of a survey to find out which states hate which states the most. Shirley has more […]

Posted inCongress

Schiff dismisses Trump ‘nonsense’ after threat to use executive privilege to block witnesses

By Marisa Schultz, Jon Decker | Fox News Anticipating a possible showdown with the White House, Democrats argued Friday that President Trump cannot conceal documents and block witnesses from testifying in his Senate impeachment trial by invoking executive privilege. “That’s nonsense,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the lead impeachment manager, said before taking the Senate floor for the third day of Democrats laying out their case against the […]