Posted inOpinion

Dan Gainor: Anti-Trump media doing their best to get president impeached

By Dan Gainor | Fox News It looks like Trump-hating journalists are getting their dearest wish — the beginning of impeachment proceedings against the president. The media have been clamoring to remove Trump from office since he was elected. Here’s a great compilation of just a few examples across 35 months. When the anti-Trump media weren’t promoting impeachment, CNN was pushing […]

Posted inOpinion

Deroy Murdock: Joe Biden’s actions on Ukraine reek of extortion and obstruction of justice

By Deroy Murdock | Fox News The roaring controversy over President Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden, and their respective actions toward Ukraine sorely lacks some key language: the word “extortion” and the phrase “obstruction of justice.” In March 2016, then-Vice President Biden told Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko that the Eastern European nation would not get a $1 billion U.S. […]

Posted inNational News

Tulsi Gabbard won’t join fellow Democrats’ calls for impeachment: It would be ‘terribly divisive’

By David Montanaro | Fox News Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, said Tuesday she will not join with other House Democrats in supporting the impeachment of President Trump. The push for impeachment has picked up steam in recent days, including from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., in response to a whistleblower complaint that reportedly alleged Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden and his son, […]

Posted inOpinion

Justin Haskins: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proves again she has no idea what she is talking about

By Justin Haskins | Fox News Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – who has already proven she knows almost nothing about her beloved socialism, the environment, energy, science, economics, job creation and government – has now shown she knows almost nothing about history. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good tweet or soundbite for TV? Ocasio-Cortez certainly […]

Posted inNational News

Controversy over Trump phone call centers on Ukraine, as president decries ‘partisan’ complaint

By Alex Pappas | Fox News The developing controversy over a mysterious phone conversation President Trump had with a foreign leader apparently centers on Ukraine, as the president and his allies fight back and claim the uproar is just another “partisan” plot against him. What touched off the controversy is a secret whistleblower complaint that the director of national intelligence has […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Matthew Whitaker calls reported whistleblower complaint a ‘clear example of someone from the Deep State’

By Frank Miles | Fox News Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker took issue on Thursday with a reported whistleblower complaint about incidents including a private conversation between President Trump and a foreign leader. “This is a clear example of someone from the Deep State … from the intelligence community,” Whitaker said on “The Story with Martha MacCallum.” “It was completely overblown. … […]

Posted inNational News

The Florida Supreme Court’s Upcoming Advisory Opinion Could Narrow the Field of Eligible Voters Under Amendment 4

By Elad Hakim During the midterms, Florida voters approved Amendment 4, which went into effect on Jan. 8, 2019. The amendment passed with 64 percent of the vote and restored voting rights for people convicted of felonies as long as they have completed their sentences. The amendment didn’t apply to people convicted of murder or felony sex offenses. […]

Posted inNational News

Bernie Sanders: Comparing My Socialism to Venezuelan Dictator’s is ‘Extremely Unfair’

BY TOM OZIMEK Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) claimed during the recent Democratic presidential primary debate that equating his socialist policies to those of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro was “extremely unfair.” Sanders was responding to a question from moderator Jorge Ramos, known for his vocal opposition to Maduro’s oppressive regime. Ramos and his five-person crew were arrested and detained for […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

DOJ Emails Reveal Internal Response to ‘Wiretap’ Allegations Against Rosenstein

By Jeff Carlson Newly released emails by the Department of Justice (DOJ) reveal details about the internal response by the agency to allegations that then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had wanted to wiretap President Donald Trump and invoke the 25th Amendment against him. The allegations were first reported by The New York Times on September 2018. The article, […]

Posted inUnited States

How the Electoral College Works Today

By Gary L Gregg This is the third installment in a series based on questions asked by high school students about the Electoral College. The previous two articles explored the origins and evolution of the institution. Here, we look at the underlying mathematical assumptions that shape our elections. How Does the Electoral College Work Today? […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Flynn’s Legal Offensive Pushes for Spygate Disclosure

BY PETR SVAB WASHINGTON—The defense team of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, is pursuing an avenue that could reveal information crucial to discovering the basis—or lack thereof—for the Obama administration to surveil Trump campaign aides—a matter that has come to be known as “Spygate.” Former prosecutor and Justice Department critic Sidney Powell has […]