Posted inHealthcare

Key coronavirus model revised downward, predicts 60K deaths in US by August

BY REBECCA KLAR A key forecasting model used by the White House has revised its prediction of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., now estimating a peak of 60,415 by early August.  The model created by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington had predicted a peak of 81,766 deaths in an update on Sunday.  Public health […]

Posted inNational News

Trump slams ‘complaining’ Dem Pritzker at coronavirus briefing, signals openness to more stimulus checks

By Gregg Re | Fox News Saying “we hope we’re seeing a leveling off in the hottest spots of them all,” President Trump revealed Sunday evening that 1.67 million people have now been tested for coronavirus in the United States — although he made clear he felt some politicians have let their constituents down during the crisis. Illinois Gov. J.B. […]

Posted inHealthcare

Disease Control Infectious Disease Surveillance Section (IDSS) Influenza Surveillance Report

By NH POLITICIAN Bureau of Infectious Disease Control Infectious Disease Surveillance Section (IDSS). Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report Week Ending March 21, 2020 MMWR Week 12. The NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides weekly influenza surveillance reports during the traditional influenza season, which starts at the beginning of October and continues through mid-May. […]

Posted inNational News

CNN’s Jim Acosta blasted for ‘mansplaining’ after interrupting Dr. Birx to attack Trump

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta was widely blasted for interrupting Dr. Deborah Birx during Friday’s coronavirus briefing to attack President Trump. Birx took a moment at the podium to address the “who knew what when” concerns and said all the countries affected by the pandemic can “look back” to develop a timeline but […]

Posted inNational News

RFK granddaughter, 40, and son, 8, presumed dead after Chesapeake Bay mishap, family says

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News An active search for two members of the Kennedy family who went missing Thursday during a boating trip on Chesapeake Bay in Maryland has been suspended, the U.S. Coast Guard said Friday, according to reports. Family member Kathleen Kennedy Townsend says the search for her 40-year-old daughter, Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean, and the daughter’s 8-year-old son Gideon […]

Posted inHealthcare

After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists acknowledge it might treat coronavirus

By Gregg Re | Fox News After repeatedly mocking President Trump for suggesting on March 19 that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for coronavirus, media organizations have begun acknowledging that the drug — now approved for emergency use to treat coronavirus by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — may be useful after all. Journalists and top Democrats have beaten a similarly […]

Posted inWorld

China uses US news sites to push propaganda in war of words

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News Another day, another dig. This time it’s from a prominent Chinese official who is using articles written by the American media to fuel Beijing’s propaganda machine as the tit-for-tat between the two superpowers escalated Monday over COVID-19’s origin and which country’s lack of action is responsible for turning the novel coronavirus into a global pandemic. […]

Posted inCongress

Pelosi’s coronavirus stimulus includes return of ‘Obamaphones,’ other unrelated items, GOP says

By Gregg Re | Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced her own emergency coronavirus stimulus bill on Monday, leading furious Republicans to argue that much of the proposal contained a progressive wishlist seemingly unrelated to the crisis — including several provisions that amount to a resurrection of the notorious “Obamaphone” program, GOP officials said. The bill proposed by Pelosi, D-Calif., additionally seeks […]

Posted inHealthcare

Senate fails to move forward with coronavirus ‘Phase 3′ bill amid Dems’ opposition

By Bradford Betz | Fox News The GOP-controlled Senate on Sunday failed to move forward with considering the $1.4 trillion “Phase Three” stimulus package intended to help businesses and families devastated by the downturn over the coronavirus outbreak, as Senate Majority Leader McConnell, R-Ky., blasted Democrats opposed to the plan. The vote came while at least five GOP senators were in self-quarantine, including Sen. Rand […]

Posted inCongress

Facing calls to quit, Burr seeks ethics probe

By Chris Stirewalt | Fox News FACING CALLS TO QUIT, BURR SEEKS ETHICS PROBE WaPo: “Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said Friday that he has asked the Senate Ethics Committee to review his recent stock sales, which included some in industries that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. The Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, who had expressed confidence in […]

Posted inWorld

Kim Jong Un orders workers to build new hospital as North Korea continues to claim no coronavirus cases

By Greg Norman | Fox News North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is calling on his country to hastily build a “modern general hospital” to “better protect the precious health and safety of our people” amid growing suspicions the Hermit Kingdom isn’t being honest about the coronavirus outbreak. State media reported Kim broke ground at the hospital construction site in Pyongyang on Tuesday as the North continues […]

Posted inEconomy

Trump wants to send Americans checks ‘immediately’ in response to coronavirus, Mnuchin says

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that the Trump administration wants to send checks to Americans “in the next two weeks” in an effort to help people cope with the economic fallout due to the coronavirus pandemic. “We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately,” Mnuchin said during a press briefing from the White House. […]