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Betsy McCaughey: Impeachment is a vicious crime against voters who elected Trump president – He broke no laws

By Betsy McCaughey | Fox News House Democrats are redefining “impeachable offense” to mean whatever President Trump does. Democratic leaders announced two articles of impeachment against the president Tuesday that marked a radical departure from all of American history. For the first time, the House is rushing to impeach a president without even claiming he broke the law. Days […]

Posted inNational News

Michigan Democrat responds to poll showing swing-state voters turning against impeachment

By Julia Musto | Fox News Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., said that while she is worried about division within the nation, it is “highly unlikely” she will vote against impeaching President Trump. On Tuesday morning, House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment against the president, alleging abuse of power and obstruction of Congress regarding his interactions with Ukraine. Appearing on “America’s Newsroom” with hosts Bill Hemmer and Heather Childers, Dingell echoed House Speaker Nancy […]

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Peter Navarro: Trump Impeachment efforts are hitting Americans where it hurts — in their wallets

By Peter Navarro | Fox News The Democrats’ “Seinfeld impeachment” – it’s about nothing – has very real opportunity costs now being borne by the American people. These opportunity costs may be measured by what Congress is not doing because its legislative calendar is being devoured by impeachment. Consider, for example, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA). If House […]

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Top Democratic strategist pleads with party to abandon impeachment

By Matt London | Fox News A top Democratic campaign consultant and former pollster for President Bill Clinton is pleading with party leaders to abandon plans to vote on the impeachment of President Trump or risk electoral disaster. In an interview on “Fox and Friends” last week, Trump predicted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif., would not see the impeachment process through to a vote. “No, I don’t […]

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Michigan rep reverses course on impeachment after recent polling, will more follow?

By Gregg Re | Fox News Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any “value” in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution. Lawrence’s about-face came as polls have shown that independents […]

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Independents souring on impeachment as inquiry heats up, polls indicate

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Recent polling on impeachment indicates that independent voters are far from sold on ousting President Trump from the White House. In fact, the national surveys suggest support for impeaching and removing the GOP incumbent has deteriorated over the past month, even as the House inquiry has ramped up. Fifty percent of independents questioned in an NPR/PBS/Marist […]

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House Minority Leader Says Democrats May Not ‘Have the Votes’ to Pass Articles of Impeachment

By Jack Phillips House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) wondered aloud if Democrats in the House will have enough votes to impeach President Donald Trump after the public impeachment hearings. McCarthy said, “I wonder if the Democrats will even have the votes to move impeachment now.” He later said, “I will tell you today, after […]

Posted inNational News

‘Malpractice’ to assume Democrats will vote to impeach Trump: Former top Hillary Clinton adviser

By Matt London | Fox News The average American middle class voter does not care about impeaching President Donald Trump, according to Antjuan Seawright, the former top adviser to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in the key state of South Carolina. “Take off your South Carolina hat and put on one that says Rust Belt,” said Judge Andrew Napolitano on the latest edition of his Fox Nation show “Liberty […]

Posted inOpinion

David Bossie: Impeachment inquiry? No, Americans are witnessing an impeachment conclusion

By David N. Bossie | Fox News President Trump’s top allies are pushing back hard against the fraudulent impeachment investigation on Capitol Hill. Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-NY) was absolutely correct when he described the Democrat’s latest probe of the President as a “political charade” and a “clown show.” With the Democrats trying to overturn the 2016 presidential election behind […]

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Andrew McCarthy: Triangulating Manafort — Obama, Clinton and Ukraine

By Andrew McCarthy | Fox News Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Andrew C. McCarthy’s new bestselling book, “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig and Election and Destroy a Presidency.” The footnotes have been omitted. It is in connection with Paul Manafort that we encounter some genuine collusion targeting the 2016 campaign: willful collaboration […]