Posted inNational News

Conservative Nonprofit to Launch $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity: Report

By Tom Ozimek Conservative nonprofit Heritage Action for America is on Monday expected to announce plans to spend $10 million on a wide-ranging election integrity campaign to strengthen voting laws in eight swing states, according to reports. According to Fox News, the campaign will target Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin, with the effort involving […]

Posted inHealthcare

3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination

By Meiling Lee Thirty-four cases of pregnant women experiencing spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is a passive reporting system that allows people to submit a report of an adverse event after vaccination and is run by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers […]

Posted inHealthcare

Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered From COVID-19, but Died After Vaccine, Raise Questions

By Sharyl Attkisson Two small clusters of deaths after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported among nursing homes in Kentucky and Arkansas. In Kentucky, four seniors died the same day of their vaccination on Dec. 30, 2020. Three of the four who passed away reportedly already had had coronavirus prior to getting vaccinated. In Arkansas, four seniors died at […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Supreme Court to Consider 2020 Election Challenge Lawsuits in February Conference

By Tom Ozimek The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday scheduled several high-profile contest-of-election lawsuits, including ones brought by attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, and the Trump campaign, for consideration at its Feb. 19 conference. According to a case listing, the lawsuits include Sidney Powell’s Michigan case (20-815), the Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit (20-845) and Wisconsin lawsuit (20-882), the Pennsylvania lawsuit brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Supreme Court Refuses to Fast-Track Remaining Lawsuits Challenging Presidential Election Results

By Matthew Vadum With nine days to go before Inauguration Day, the Supreme Court threw out a raft of requests this morning for expedited consideration of legal challenges to election results in multiple states by President Donald Trump’s campaign and Trump supporters. The actions come Jan. 11 after Congress voted Jan. 7 to dismiss all objections lodged by […]

Posted inNational News

Arizona’s 11 Electoral Votes Challenged by GOP Senator, Reps During Joint Session

By Jack Phillips More than 60 Republican House representatives led by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and one senator objected to Arizona’s 11 electoral votes during the Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday. Their objection “complies with the law,” said Vice President Mike Pence, the president of the Senate during the Joint Session of Congress. Gosar […]

Posted inNational News

Trump: Pence ‘Has the Power to Reject Fraudulently Chosen Electors’

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump asserted on Tuesday that Vice President Mike Pence has the power to reject electors that were fraudulently chosen, echoing statements made by his legal team in recent days ahead of Jan. 6’s Joint Session of Congress. “The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors,” Trump wrote on Tuesday in a tweet. Republicans […]

Posted inNational News

GOP Congressman Signs First Objection to States’ Certifications for Jan. 6 Electoral Challenge

By Jack Phillips Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said Monday that he signed an objection to the electoral vote in six states ahead of the Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday. “Promises made. Promises kept. Today I signed objections to tainted electoral college vote submissions” in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Brooks wrote. “Senators? Time to sign […]