Posted inNational News

Lawmakers From Other States Descend on Arizona to See Election Audit

By Zachary Stieber Lawmakers from multiple states have visited the 2020 election audit in Arizona’s largest county in recent days, with more visits planned. Delegations from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Alaska were given tours of Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where the audit is taking place in Phoenix. Michael McDonald, the Nevada Republican Party chairman, went to the venue […]

Posted inNational News

Californians to Lose Congressional Seat

By Tim Shaler The results of the 2020 census are in, and California is going to lose a congressional seat. The state will only be sending 52 members to the U.S. House of Representatives after the 2022 elections, down from the 53 it sent following the 2020 elections. For the first time since it gained statehood, California is losing an electoral vote […]

Posted inNational News

House Republicans Question Biden Administration on ‘Questionable’ Census Results

By Zachary Stieber A group of House Republicans questioned whether political interference contributed to what they describe as questionable results from the recently completed 2020 Census. The group on Friday pointed to the discrepancy between projections of census numbers last year and the final figures and the fact that the Census Bureau referred them to […]

Posted inJudicial Watch

California Officials, Biden-Linked Firm Coordinated With Big Tech to Censor Election Posts: Judicial Watch

By Isabel Van Brugen California officials colluded with Big Tech to censor social media posts in the United States during the 2020 presidential election, government watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Tuesday. The findings come after Judicial Watch received 540 pages and a further four pages of documents from the office of the Secretary of State of California in response to an open records request, […]

Posted inHealthcare

5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

By Zachary Stieber Some 5,800 Americans have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the virus that causes it, federal officials said April 15. The Americans contracted the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, despite getting both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the Centers for […]

Posted inNational News

Trump Says White House Infrastructure Plan Is ‘Largest Tax Hike in American History’

By Jack Phillips Former President Donald Trump, in a statement Wednesday, responded to the White House infrastructure bill—which would introduce new taxes—and said it is “among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history.” “If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more […]

Posted inNew Hampshire

NH House Election Law Committee Passes FORENSIC AUDIT For Windham NH VOTING MACHINES 20-0

By Ken Eyring As we reported on Tuesday the New Hampshire House Election Law Committee planned to vote on Wednesday on SB43 and amendment(s) including the “Gardner Amendment.“ Today the New Hampshire House Election Law Committee voted 20-0 to approve a forensic audit of Windham, New Hampshire’s voting machines and ballots. The NH House Election Law Committee, led […]

Posted inNational News

Conservative Nonprofit to Launch $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity: Report

By Tom Ozimek Conservative nonprofit Heritage Action for America is on Monday expected to announce plans to spend $10 million on a wide-ranging election integrity campaign to strengthen voting laws in eight swing states, according to reports. According to Fox News, the campaign will target Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin, with the effort involving […]