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Jan. 6 Panel May Try to Influence Pennsylvania Governor’s Race: Mastriano Attorney

By Beth Brelje State Sen. Doug Mastriano, Pennsylvania’s Republican gubernatorial nominee, is scheduled to meet with the Jan. 6 Committee Aug. 9. It was to be a voluntary interview, but the committee is now demanding a compelled deposition. “Your committee is not legally able to conduct compelled depositions, which is why all of my clients have […]

Posted inNational News

Pennsylvania Patriots Join Forces to Demand Election Integrity

By Beth Brelje Representatives from more than 70 political activism groups in Pennsylvania are demanding that their legislators repeal no-excuse mail-in voting and secure the commonwealth’s election processes. Many of them gathered at the capital in Harrisburg on May 11. Leaders from each group signed an “election integrity declaration” calling for the legislature to return the law to […]

Posted inNational News

Questions Linger About Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election Results and GOP Response

By Beth Brelje The certified 2020 election results in Pennsylvania show Joe Biden won with 80,555 more votes than Donald Trump. But when then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar certified the vote on Nov. 24, 2020, the state had 784,752 more ballots than voters; nearly ten times more than Biden’s margin of victory. There are legitimate reasons for over-votes; for […]

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Pennsylvania Judges Strike Down School Mask Mandate

By Zachary Stieber A court in Pennsylvania on Wednesday struck down an order that required masks in schools. Acting Health Secretary Alison Beam’s order, which also mandated masks in child care facilities, violated state laws outlining how regulations are promulgated, the Commonwealth Court said in a 4–1 ruling. Beam issued the order on Aug. 31 but Gov. Tom Wolf had […]

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Vaccine Mandate Violates Constitutional Rights: Pennsylvania Lawsuit

By Beth Brelje Have you had your COVID-19 vaccination? This has become a loaded question with implications beyond health. A Pennsylvania lawsuit argues that receiving or declining a vaccine has become a political act, and when employers compel employees to get vaccinated, they are forcing employees to engage in political speech, a violation of the First Amendment, […]

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Pennsylvania Democrats Protest Curriculum Transparency Bill

By Beth Belje The idea of parents having easy access to their children’s school curriculum was vigorously debated Wednesday in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Pennsylvania code already allows parents to have access to school curriculum, but house Bill 1332 proposes putting that information on school websites. Some school districts already do this, but other districts require […]

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Pennsylvania Sen. Mastriano Invited Biden to Meet, Discuss Election Audit

By Beth Brelje In anticipation of President Joe Biden’s Tuesday visit to Philadelphia to discuss voter rights, Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano, a Republican, sent a letter requesting a meeting with Biden to discuss a full audit of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election. “Millions of Pennsylvanians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 general election,” Mastriano said […]

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Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections

By Zachary Stieber A Pennsylvania senator announced on July 7 that he has triggered a forensic investigation of the 2020 and 2021 elections. State Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican, issued letters to several counties requesting information and materials that he said would enable an investigation. “It’s distinct from an audit or forensic audit. It’s a big deep dive, […]

Posted inNational News

Pennsylvania House Passes Election Integrity Bill: ‘The System Does Not Work’

By Jack Phillips The Pennsylvania state House on Tuesday night approved a Republican-backed election reform bill that would include a requirement that voters present identification, among other measures relating to polls, audits, and procedures. The bill passed mostly along partisan lines, with most Republicans supporting the measure and nearly all Democrats opposing it. The bill heads to the Senate, […]