Posted inWorld

Tyranny Versus Free World: Responses to Pandemic Expose Dark Side of Communism

BY BOWEN XIAO The Chinese regime responded to the pandemic by covering up and silencing whistleblowers, then when it was too late to ignore, it enacted brutal, draconian measures on its own citizens—all while propaganda was spread internally through state-run media. The U.S. response meanwhile was humane, spotlighting the contrast between a free society’s handling of a crisis […]

Posted inOpinion

Dr. William Haseltine: Coronavirus – Beyond flattening the curve, here’s how to end the pandemic

By Dr. William Haseltine | Fox News As America enters what President Trump warns will be its “toughest week,” many are hoping that lockdown measures introduced in cities and communities across the country will lessen the devastation we face. The strict social distancing guidelines are an attempt to flatten the curve, an approach that has been described as America’s best […]

Posted inHealthcare

Key coronavirus model revised downward, predicts 60K deaths in US by August

BY REBECCA KLAR A key forecasting model used by the White House has revised its prediction of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., now estimating a peak of 60,415 by early August.  The model created by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington had predicted a peak of 81,766 deaths in an update on Sunday.  Public health […]

Posted inNational News

Wisconsin voters brave long lines to vote in primary amid coronavirus outbreak; results expected next week

By Gregg Re | Fox News Polls closed Tuesday night in Wisconsin’s presidential primary, which candidate Bernie Sanders has said “may very well prove deadly” — with voters waiting hours in long lines outside overcrowded polling stations and ignoring federal health recommendations in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Results were not expected Tuesday night. A court ruling appeared to prevent results from being made […]

Posted inOpinion

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: Democrats’ coronavirus voting plan – this is the way to undermine democracy

By Ronna McDaniel | Fox News After failing with their first left-wing laundry list disguised as coronavirus relief, Democratic leaders are already plotting their next attempt to use the pandemic for political gain. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former Vice President Joe Biden say we must throw election integrity to the wayside in favor […]

Posted inOpinion

Dr. Marc Siegel: Coronavirus testing’s next step – rapid point-of-care tests will be a game-changer

By Dr. Marc Siegel | Fox News COVID-19 is a moving target. It is highly contagious. In fact, there is evidence that it can be passed from one person to the next simply by speaking. Accumulating data from around the planet indicates that those infected are frequently symptom-free, or suffer from minor symptoms that are easily confused with other respiratory viruses. […]

Posted inNational News

Trump slams ‘complaining’ Dem Pritzker at coronavirus briefing, signals openness to more stimulus checks

By Gregg Re | Fox News Saying “we hope we’re seeing a leveling off in the hottest spots of them all,” President Trump revealed Sunday evening that 1.67 million people have now been tested for coronavirus in the United States — although he made clear he felt some politicians have let their constituents down during the crisis. Illinois Gov. J.B. […]

Posted inCongress

Republicans rip ‘partisan’ Pelosi panel on coronavirus response: ‘This isn’t about oversight’

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Republicans are hitting back at what they say is a “partisan” move by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to form a new House committee on the administration’s response to the coronavirus crisis — arguing that there are already numerous additional oversight measures in the $2 trillion stimulus bill passed by Congress last week. “This isn’t about oversight, it […]

Posted inOpinion

Tucker Carlson: 4 ways to understand the establishment media’s screwed up coronavirus coverage

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News The New York Times, in case you don’t read it, is still being published, and it is still out in New York. It ran a piece the other day with this headline, “Alarm, Denial, Blame: The Pro-Trump Media’s Coronavirus Distortion.” They had the same themes. TRUMP SLAMS ‘PARTISAN’ PROBES AFTER PELOSI ANNOUNCES CORONAVIRUS COMMITTEE: ‘HERE […]

Posted inHealthcare

After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists acknowledge it might treat coronavirus

By Gregg Re | Fox News After repeatedly mocking President Trump for suggesting on March 19 that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for coronavirus, media organizations have begun acknowledging that the drug — now approved for emergency use to treat coronavirus by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — may be useful after all. Journalists and top Democrats have beaten a similarly […]