Posted inOpinion

We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns. Here’s the proof

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News Millions of Americans remain subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal lives, their daily lives, their family’s lives. The coronavirus lockdowns continue in many places. You may not know that because it gets no publicity, but it’s true. And if you’re living under it, you definitely know. TRUMP BLASTS ‘RADICAL LEFT’ DEMS IN […]

Posted inNational News

Stanford dean quotes fugitive cop killer in email to students about protests

By Caleb Parke | Fox News Stanford University’s College Republicans club is calling out the dean of students for quoting a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list while addressing the social unrest following George Floyd’s death. Mona Hicks, Stanford’s senior associate vice provost and dean of students, quoted a “loving refrain” from […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Russian nuclear-capable bombers intercepted by US aircraft near Alaska: report

By David Aaro | Fox News Russian nuclear-capable bombers were intercepted and escorted by U.S. fighter jets during a flight over neutral waters near Alaska, according to a report on Wednesday. U.S. F-22 Raptor tactical fighters accompanied the four Russian Tupolev Tu-95MS bombers during some periods of their 11-hour flight that reportedly complied with international law, Reuters reported, citing the RIA news […]

Posted inNational News

Messy Georgia primary raises alarms for November, as Ossoff edges closer to clinching Senate nomination

By Gregg Re | Fox News The Democratic Senate primary in Georgia was too early to call Wednesday, as Jon Ossoff held onto approximately 49 percent of the vote with more ballots coming in — amid widespread reports of hourslong lines, voting machine malfunctions, provisional ballot shortages and absentee ballots failing to arrive in time. Ossoff, whose defeat in a 2017 special […]

Posted inNational News

George W. Bush’s office calls claim he won’t back Trump ‘completely made up’

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Former President George W. Bush’s office has pushed back on a widely circulated New York Times report saying Bush won’t vote for President Trump in 2020, calling it “completely made up.” “This is completely made up,” Bush spokesman Freddy Ford said in an email to the Texas Tribune. “He is retired from presidential politics and […]

Posted inWorld

DOJ Disputes Prince Andrew Claims That He Offered to Help Prosecutors With Epstein Case

By Tom Ozimek Lawyers for Prince Andrew said their client offered several times to cooperate with U.S. prosecutors into their inquiry into sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, claiming that American Justice Department officials were “perhaps seeking publicity” in claiming the British Royal Family member had provided “zero co-operation.” The Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a statement on Monday disputing the claims, […]

Posted inWorld

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to Washington Post, Wall Street Journal

BY ZACHARY STIEBER A Chinese propaganda outlet paid millions of dollars to The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal to run advertisements made to look like news reports. New documents filed with the U.S. Department of Justice show China Daily paid over $4.6 million to the Post and nearly $6 million to the Journal since November 2016. China Daily, an English-language newspaper, is […]

Posted inNational News

Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

By Peter Aitken | Fox News Minneapolis’ left-leaning City Council members on Sunday announced a veto-proof push to disband the Minneapolis police department, ramping up a major conflict inside the city following the death of George Floyd while in police custody. Many activists have been pushing at least for their cities to defund local police departments, a move many other analysts considered unrealistic. The […]

Posted inOpinion

Why the GOP establishment turning against Trump confirms what we suspected

By Joshua Nelson | Fox News Fox Nation host Tammy Bruce said on Monday that it does not surprise her that the GOP establishment is not supporting President Trump because they are siding with ideas of globalism instead of “Americanism.” “This is, of course, the swamp,” the “Get Tammy Bruce” host told “Fox & Friends.” “This is about Americanism versus globalism. What is best for […]

Posted inNational News

‘Defund the police’ wrests support from politicians coast-to-coast – and steamrolls holdouts

By Tyler Olson | Fox News In the wake of George Floyd’s death, calls to “defund the police” have in a matter of days escalated from a fringe campaign to a celebrity-backed cause to part of the municipal mainstream — and now appear primed to spur official action, to varying degrees, in cities across the country. The stunning momentum behind the movement has fueled Republican […]

Posted inNational News

NY Times editorial page editor resigns amid staff fury over Tom Cotton op-ed

By Bradford Betz | Fox News The New York Times announced Sunday that Editorial Page Editor James Bennet is resigning — amid reports of anger inside the company over the publication of an op-ed from Sen. Tom Cotton about the George Floyd unrest last week. Bennet, the brother of 2020 White House candidate Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., had apologized late last week after previously […]