Posted inNational News

Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he’s ‘under a death sentence’

By Brian Flood | Fox News ‘You know, I wake up every day and thank God that I did,’ radio legend says. Cancer-stricken talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh provided listeners a somber update on his condition Monday after recent scans showed “some progression of cancer,” which he said is “not dramatic” but still a step in the wrong direction.  […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

AG Barr urged to investigate Joe Biden’s alleged ties to son Hunter’s business dealings

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Lawmakers say it is ‘imperative’ the allegations are investigated.  House Republicans on Monday wrote to Attorney General William Barr, urging him to appoint a special counsel to investigate alleged revelations coming from a laptop purported to have belonged to Joe Biden’s son Hunter — specifically the elder Biden’s alleged participation in his son’s business dealings. […]

Posted inNational News

Obama’s 2008 campaign vetted Hunter Biden’s $100,000 retainer with big bank

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Back in 2008, when then-candidate Barack Obama was running for the presidency, his campaign defended chosen running mate Joe Biden for backing a bill in the Senate despite his son Hunter working for a bank that supported the legislation. Obama’s campaign aides acknowledged to The New York Times that Hunter Biden’s consulting work for MBNA – which earned […]

Posted inNational News

Ratcliffe says Hunter Biden laptop, emails ‘not part of some Russian disinformation campaign’

By Brooke Singman | Fox News ‘There is no intelligence that supports that,’ Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe says. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Monday said that Hunter Biden’s laptop “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” amid claims from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff suggesting otherwise. Ratcliffe, during an exclusive interview on FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria,” […]

Posted inNational News

Biden vs. Trump – the unspoken issues costing Dems dearly in rural, industrial America

By Daniel Allott | Fox News In conversations with voters around the county, it’s been clear that social issues matter most. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden discussed many important issues during their first presidential debate on September 29, but some of the most important ones weren’t even mentioned. The words “abortion,” “guns,” “marriage,” “religion” and “immigration” […]

Posted inNational News

Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

By Nick Givas | New York Post ‘We are all COVID orphans now,’ one attendee said. A casket display outside a Brooklyn nursing home in New York had 6,500 copies of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new book dumped into it, to represent to the number of people who’ve died from the coronavirus, due to his administration’s policies regarding sick senior citizens.  Around 6,500 people […]

Posted inNational News

Social media erupts over Biden’s Big Tech ties after Facebook, Twitter censor NY Post’s story on Hunter

By Evie Fordham, Yael Halon | Fox News A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign’s ethics plan. The Biden campaign is facing renewed criticism over its deep connections with Big Tech after both Twitter and Facebook censored a story from The New York Post detailing allegedly corrupt business deals by Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. FORMER KAMALA HARRIS PRESS SECRETARY IS TOP TWITTER […]

Posted inBusiness

Scalise, McMorris Rodgers demand answers on Twitter’s ‘unprecedented’ actions on Hunter Biden story

By Brooke Singman | Fox News Scalise, Rodgers and 14 other House Republicans raised ‘significant concerns’ with Twitter’s actions. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers lead more than a dozen House Republicans in demanding answers from Twitter for their “unparalleled” and “unprecedented” actions the social media platform took in reducing the circulation of […]

Posted inNational News

Free speech rally marred by violence as counterprotesters storm event, beat pro-Trump demonstrators

By Paul Best | Fox News An organizer of the protest had a tooth knocked out. A rally called to promote free speech and denounce big tech censorship turned ugly Saturday in San Francisco, when hundreds of alleged Antifa counterprotesters showed up and berated and attacked demonstrators, leaving one missing a tooth. The conservative group Team Save America organized the event to protest Twitter, which […]

Posted inBusiness

Big Tech CEOs called to testify Wednesday before Senate amid censorship uproar

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News The Senate Commerce Committee has called the leaders of Facebook, Twitter and Google to testify Wednesday amid outrage over censorship of articles damaging to former Vice President Joe Biden. The chair of the committee, Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., announced the hearing will examine whether Big Tech should still be afforded liability protections under Section 230 […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

RNC files FEC complaint against Twitter, claims company made ‘illegal in-kind contribution’ to Biden campaign

By Brooke Singman | Fox News The RNC claims that by limiting circulation of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s business dealings and Joe Biden’s alleged knowledge of those dealings, Twitter violated federal campaign finance law. The Republican National Committee (RNC) on Friday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the censorship of […]