Posted inNational News

Portland’s unrest continues for six straight weeks with no apparent end in sight

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News Portland has been more than $23 million in losses due to looting and rioting. The death of George Floyd triggered a wave of protests and violent mayhem across the country as demonstrators demanded justice and a reckoning against racial injustice and police brutality. In Portland, Oregon’s largest city, those demonstrations have raged for six weeks straight, […]

Posted inNational News

Kellyanne Conway says US should prioritize schools over bars in coronavirus plans

By Tyler Olson | Fox News ‘We need to have priorities in our states’ Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday, seemed to back states that are rolling back their coronavirus reopenings as cases surge –­ in some places threatening hospital capacity –­ and supported general safety measures, like masks, advocated by public health experts. The comments from Conway, one of President […]

Posted inOpinion

China’s assault on Texas – this project threatens US national security

By Daniel Hoffman | Fox News During testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2019, FBI Director Christopher Wray emphasized: “there is no country that poses a more severe counterintelligence threat right now than China.” Espionage has been a critical tool on which Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping has relied to enforce Orwellian big brother control over China’s population and mount increasingly aggressive […]

Posted inNational News

Mainstream media downplays ‘insanity in Seattle’ as critics point out bias, hypocrisy

By Brian Flood | Fox News Seattle protesters have declared a six-block area abandoned by law enforcement as “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” but the mainstream media doesn’t seem to think the lawlessness is particularly newsworthy. CNN only mentioned “Seattle” once on Wednesday when discussing general unrest in major cities, according to a search of transcripts, while MSNBC didn’t cover Seattle […]

Posted inNational News

Project Veritas Infiltrates Antifa, Reveals Organized Training in Violent Action

By Petr Svab At least some parts of the anarcho-communist movement Antifa are highly organized, including initiation procedures, security protocols, and “lectures” on violent action, according to an undercover reporter who infiltrated one of the Antifa cells on behalf of Project Veritas, an investigative journalism nonprofit. The reporter, who concealed his face on camera and didn’t reveal his […]

Posted inNational News

What is Antifa, the far-left group tied to violent protests?

By Gregg Re | Fox News Antifa, the far-left militant movement that calls itself “antifascist,” has no defined organizational hierarchy or membership process. The collection of autonomous Antifa groups in mostly left-wing cities sees itself as a descendant of the European anti-Nazi movements, and generally agree that the best way to combat ideas they find odious is not through speech or […]

Posted inNational News

Minnesota requests more help as riots continue there — and across US

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News The state of Minnesota has requested an additional 1,200 National Guard soldiers be deployed after rioting broke out once again Friday night following the death of George Floyd earlier in the week. Gov. Tim Walz and Minnesota National Guard Adjutant Gen. Jon Jensen announced the request at a news conference early Saturday. Guard personnel already deployed in addition […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Governors face mounting court challenges over coronavirus lockdown orders

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Legal challenges to governors’ coronavirus shutdown orders are piling up nationwide, putting state leaders on the defensive as citizens and businesses itching to get back to normal take their arguments to court — in some cases succeeding at voiding the governors’ actions. The Wisconsin Supreme Court, for example, struck down Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ “safer at home” order on […]