Posted inOpinion

Daniel Turner: Labor Day betrayal – Ocasio-Cortez leads Dem candidates to embrace anti-labor policies

By Daniel Turner | Fox News Democratic presidential candidates are crisscrossing the nation claiming to be the champions of blue-collar workers and demonizing President Trump as the champion of the rich and powerful who doesn’t care about working men and women. But these claims have no basis in fact. This Labor Day weekend is a good time to separate […]

Posted inNational News

Winter to feature ‘Polar Coaster’ mix of frigid temperatures, snow: Farmers’ Almanac

By Travis Fedschun | Fox News Enjoy the last days of summer, because a wild ride apparently is in store this winter. The Farmers’ Almanac is predicting that “bitterly cold winter conditions” will be in place from areas east of the Rockies all the way to the Appalachians, with the coldest outbreakof the season arriving during the final week of January and lasting […]

Posted inNational News

2020 Democrats fume at DNC over debate criteria crackdown

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News With the deadline to qualify for next month’s third round of Democratic presidential debates closing in, the Democratic National Committee is facing an angry chorus of criticism from the candidates not likely to make the cut. At issue is the DNC’s criteria for the contenders to take part in the prime-time showdown, including contributions from […]

Posted inNational News

Federal court undercuts progressive efforts to nullify Electoral College, rules electors can vote freely

By Gregg Re | Fox News In a major blow to state-by-state progressive efforts to effectively replace the Electoral College with a nationwide popular vote, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that presidential electors have the absolute right to vote for presidential candidates of their choice. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Colorado secretary […]

Posted inNational News

Gov. Gavin Newsom is ‘responsible’ for California’s homeless crisis, says former state congressman

By Joshua Nelson | Fox News The vice president of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Chuck DeVore, said Wednesday that Gavin Newsom is “responsible for the policies that have created California’s homeless crisis,” in the wake of the governor blaming Texas for San Francisco’s homeless crisis. “What you’re seeing here are the words of a desperate man that we should almost feel sorry […]

Posted inOpinion

Abby Johnson: Babies are being born alive after botched abortions. We deserve to know numbers and the truth

By Abby Johnson | Fox News In an age where medical progress has enabled premature babies as tiny as 21 weeks and four days gestation to survive — and thrive — outside the womb, babies are being born alive following botched abortions in the United States and left to die. Many individuals, legislators, and so-called women’s rights groups are […]

Posted inNational News

Rep. Dan Crenshaw rips Antifa demonstrators, blasts Portland protests as ‘sad showing’

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News In a Twitter message Saturday, U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw declared Saturday’s protests in Portland, Ore., “a sad showing,” and said the city’s Antifa activists paled in comparison to the demonstrators fighting for democracy in Hong Kong. “In Hong Kong,” the Republican congressman from Texas wrote, “antifascists wave American flags, demand freedom and actually fight fascists. “In Portland,” he […]

Posted inOpinion

Gabriel Nadales: Antifa violence feared in Portland Saturday – Group must be condemned and exposed

By Gabriel Nadales | Fox News The wounds haven’t yet healed from the last Antifa/Proud Boys sparring match – indeed, no one has been arrested for the savage June 29 attack on Quillette reporter Andy Ngo – and yet, Portland, Ore., is bracing for another demonstration Saturday. Given the rising violence in communities across the U.S., I fear that our country […]